🌐 GeoJupyter

💪 Enabling more researchers, educators, and learners to confidently engage with geospatial data

TODO: Show video instead?

When our community burned where was the satellite information?

…we are failing the people and causes that need us the most.

– Brianna R. Pagán, PhD

Approachability is important

  • Science
    • Climate science
    • Biodiversity
    • Engineering
  • Government & policy
    • Decision making
    • Transportation & urban planning
    • Disaster response & hazard management
  • Industry
    • Agriculture
    • Logistics

Geospatial data: the “crude oil” of modern science - Image by GPT-4o

Priorietary capture, vendor lock-in, monopoly

🛑 Once you’re in a proprietary system, the owners’ interest is inherently in keeping you there.

🔒 Proprietary systems are often not interoperable, by design, so you can not freely move your work.

🐛 Proprietary systems are often as buggy or buggier than open source alternatives.

ERROR 9999999
Something unexpected caused the tool to fail

🙃 Open science with closed software - AGU2023

Building a sustainable movement

Together, we can reimagine geospatial interactive computing to enable more researchers, educators, and learners to confidently engage with geospatial data.

GeoJupyter is…

  • 100% open source, modular and interoperable.
  • Led at Berkeley, with US and international partners who are eager
  • Capable of:
    • Traditional GIS workloads.
    • Complex, code-driven workflows with earth/planetary data.
    • Leveraging the entire Scientific Python ecosystem.
  • Cloud-native, can run anywhere (laptop, supercomputers, …)
  • AI-ready
  • Locally controlled, private, secure
  • Vendor agnostic (including commercial AI)

Who is GeoJupyter?



Advisory committee


Community champions?


“Welcome committee”?

Many more community members not shown.

🙇 Special thank you to our many interviewees! 🙇

Demo GIF

TODO: A story for the demo. Continue with wildfire theme? Showcase working on a realistic problem with collaborative features.
