Python API#
Basic Usage#
JupyterGIS provides a Python API that can be used for opening QGIS projects, add raster or vector layers and apply filtering.
You can open an existing QGIS project and display it in your Jupyter Notebook:
from jupytergis import GISDocument
doc = GISDocument('file.qgz')
Opening an existing file connects you to the file’s collaborative session, meaning that anyone working on the same QGIS project file, whether through the JupyterLab extension or the Python API, will see the edits you make.
Creating a GISDocument
object without providing a path to an existing file would create a
new empty document:
from jupytergis import GISDocument
doc = GISDocument()
Once the document is opened/created, you can start creating GIS layers.
API Reference#
- class jupytergis_lab.GISDocument(path=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, zoom=None, extent=None, bearing=None, pitch=None, projection=None)#
Create a new GISDocument object.
If not provided, a new empty document will be created.
- add_filter(layer_id, logical_op, feature, operator, value)#
Add a filter to a layer
- Parameters:
layer_id (str) – The ID of the layer to filter
logical_op (str) – The logical combination to apply to filters. Must be “any” or “all”
feature (str) – The feature to be filtered on
operator (str) – The operator used to compare the feature and value
value (Union[str, number, float]) – The value to be filtered on
- add_geojson_layer(path=None, data=None, name='GeoJSON Layer', type='line', opacity=1, logical_op=None, feature=None, operator=None, value=None, color_expr=None)#
Add a GeoJSON Layer to the document.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name that will be used for the object in the document.
path (str | Path | None) – The path to the JSON file to embed into the jGIS file.
data (Dict | None) – The raw GeoJSON data to embed into the jGIS file.
type (circle’ | ‘fill’ | ‘line) – The type of the vector layer to create.
color – The color to apply to features.
opacity (float) – The opacity, between 0 and 1.
color_expr – The style expression used to style the layer, defaults to None
- add_heatmap_layer(feature, path=None, data=None, name='Heatmap Layer', opacity=1, blur=15, radius=8, gradient=['#00f', '#0ff', '#0f0', '#ff0', '#f00'])#
Add a Heatmap Layer to the document.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name that will be used for the object in the document.
path (str | Path | None) – The path to the JSON file to embed into the jGIS file.
data (Dict | None) – The raw GeoJSON data to embed into the jGIS file.
gradient (List[str]) – The color gradient to apply.
opacity (float) – The opacity, between 0 and 1.
blur (number) – The blur size in pixels
radius (number) – The radius size in pixels
feature (string) – The feature to use to heatmap weights
- add_hillshade_layer(url, name='Hillshade Layer', urlParameters={}, attribution='')#
Add a hillshade layer
- add_image_layer(url, coordinates, name='Image Layer', opacity=1)#
Add a Image Layer to the document.
- Parameters:
name – The name that will be used for the object in the document.
url – The image url.
coordinates – Corners of image specified in longitude, latitude pairs.
opacity – The opacity, between 0 and 1.
- add_raster_layer(url, name='Raster Layer', attribution='', opacity=1)#
Add a Raster Layer to the document.
- add_tiff_layer(url, min=None, max=None, name='Tiff Layer', normalize=True, wrapX=False, attribution='', opacity=1.0, color_expr=None)#
Add a tiff layer
- Parameters:
url (str) – URL of the tif
min (int) – Minimum pixel value to be displayed, defaults to letting the map display set the value
max (int) – Maximum pixel value to be displayed, defaults to letting the map display set the value
name (str) – The name that will be used for the object in the document, defaults to “Tiff Layer”
normalize (bool) – Select whether to normalize values between 0..1, if false than min/max have no effect, defaults to True
wrapX (bool) – Render tiles beyond the tile grid extent, defaults to False
opacity (float) – The opacity, between 0 and 1, defaults to 1.0
color_expr (_type_) – The style expression used to style the layer, defaults to None
- add_vectortile_layer(url, name='Vector Tile Layer', attribution='', min_zoom=0, max_zoom=24, type='line', color_expr=None, opacity=1, logical_op=None, feature=None, operator=None, value=None)#
Add a Vector Tile Layer to the document.
- add_video_layer(urls, name='Image Layer', coordinates=[], opacity=1)#
Add a Video Layer to the document.
- Parameters:
name – The name that will be used for the object in the document.
urls – URLs to video content in order of preferred format.
coordinates – Corners of video specified in longitude, latitude pairs.
opacity – The opacity, between 0 and 1.
- clear_filters(layer_id)#
Clear filters on a layer
- Parameters:
layer_id (str) – The ID of the layer to clear filters from
- create_color_expr(color_stops, band=1.0, interpolation_type='linear')#
Create a color expression used to style the layer
- update_filter(layer_id, logical_op, feature, operator, value)#
Update a filter applied to a layer
- Parameters:
layer_id (str) – The ID of the layer to filter
logical_op (str) – The logical combination to apply to filters. Must be “any” or “all”
feature (str) – The feature to update the value for
operator (str) – The operator used to compare the feature and value
value (Union[str, number, float]) – The new value to be filtered on